Craigslist Colorado searches all of the following locations.
craigslist cities: Boulder - Colorado Springs - Denver - Eastern CO - Fort Collins - North CO - High Rockies - Pueblo - Western Slope
Colorado Craigslist Search looks at the entire state of colorado and covers a total of 104,094 sq mi. Colorado has an area ranking of 8th in the country, with a population of 5,540,545 people, giving colorado a population ranking of 21st highest in the U.S. with an average population density of 52.0 people per square miles.
Colorado has the following nick names: The Centennial State
Colorado has the following state moto: Nil sine numine
The people who live in Colorado are known as: Coloradan or Coloradoan
Colorado's largest metro area is Denver-Aurora CSA
Colorado was admitted into the United States on August 1, 1876, before it was admitted into the union, it was known as the Colorado Territory. Colorado was the 38th state to join the United States.
Colorado has the following state emblems:
State Amphibian: Western tiger salamander,
State Bird: Lark bunting,
State Fish: Greenback cutthroat trout,
State Flower: Rocky Mountain columbine,
State Insect: Colorado hairstreak butterfly,
State Mammal: Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep,
State Reptile: Western painted turtle,
State Tree: Colorado blue spruce,
State Fossil: Stegosaurus,
State Gemstone: Aquamarine,
State Mineral: Rhodochrosite,
State Slogan: Colorful Colorado,
State Soil: Seitz,
State Song: Where the Columbines Grow