Craigslist Washington searches all of the following locations.
craigslist cities: Bellingham - Kennewick Pasco Richland - Moses Lake - Olympic Peninsula - Pullman - Moscow - Seattle Tacoma - Skagit - Island - SJI - Spokane - Coeur D'alene - Wenatchee - Yakima
Washington Craigslist Search looks at the entire state of washington and covers a total of 71,362 sq mi. Washington has an area ranking of 18th in the country, with a population of 7,288,000 people, giving washington a population ranking of 13th highest in the U.S. with an average population density of 103 people per square miles.
Washington has the following nick names: The Evergreen State
Washington has the following state moto: Al-ki or Alki, bye and bye in Chinook Jargon
The people who live in Washington are known as: Washingtonian
The capital of Washington is Olympia
Washington's largest metro area is Metro Seattle
Washington was admitted into the United States on November 11, 1889, before it was admitted into the union, it was known as the Washington Territory. Washington was the 42nd state to join the United States.
Washington has the following state emblems:
State Amphibian: Pacific chorus frog,
State Bird: American goldfinch,
State Fish: Steelhead trout,
State Flower: Rhododendron,
State Insect: Green Darner,
State Mammal: Olympic marmot/Orca,
State Tree: Western Hemlock,
State Dance: Square dance,
State Food: Apple,
State Gemstone: Petrified wood,
State Soil: Tokul,
State Song: Washington, My Home